- 2011 : HDR, Management Sciences, Management, University of Lille 1, France
- 2005 : Master of Science, University degli Studi of Trento, Italy
- 2000 : Ph.D. in Industrial Relations, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
- 1994 : MBA, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Italy
- 1992 : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Mercy College, USA
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
- 2006 - maintenant, Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, Lille, France
- 1999 - 2006, Lecturer and Project Leader, University Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC, Castellanza (VA), Italy
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
- 2014 : EMR Best Paper Award 2014, European Management Review
- 2012 : Emerald Literati Network 2012 Highly Commended Award, Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence
- 2011 : Best Paper Award 2011, European Management Review
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
Russo I., Mola L., Giangreco A., (2025). Digitalization for Survival: Managing Resources in Digitalizing Operations and Processes in the Fashion Industry, Production Planning & Control, 36 (1) 1-19.
Giangreco A., Lauwers M., Martone A., Ponchaux F., (2025). “Is IT Really Good for All?” Evidence of Different Stakeholders’ Perspectives on the Digital Transformation of Hospitals in the French Health Context, Health Services Management Research, n. (n.) n..
Vakkayil J., Giangreco A., Carugati A., Languillat M., (2024). Biking a Tightrope: Navigating the Conditions of Extreme Physical Platform Work, European Management Review, na (na) na.
Afficher tout
Sebastiano A., Restelli U., Astolfo R., Giangreco A., (2023). Health, care or shelter? An exploratory analysis of the factors affecting overall satisfaction with services of residents’ relatives in nursing homes, Health Services Management Research, 36 (3) 170-175.
Bhatt M., Giangreco A., (2023). Food for Thought: Managing Neurodiverse Workers in a Restaurant, Journal of International Business Education, 18 (1) 301-308.
Lauwers M., Carugati A., Giangreco A., (2023). A Dynamic View of Users Exploitation and Exploration of Healthcare Information Systems in Long-Term Care, Systèmes d'Information et Management, 28 (3) 59-101.
Plé L., Giangreco A., (2022). Industry 4.0: When Change Means Giant Leaps for Individuals and Factories, Journal of International Business Education, 17 (2023) 267-276.
Mola L., Carugati A., Giangreco A., Vieira da Cunha J., (2022). Learning from Unexpected Technological Success: An Extended Model of Supply-Side Diffusion, European Journal of Information Systems, 31 (5) 597-616.
Sebastiano A., Giangreco A., Peccei R., (2021). An Exploration of the Link between Residents' Demands and Caregivers' Well-being: Evidence from the Long-term Healthcare Industry, Health Services Management Research, 34 (4) 241-249.
Giangreco A., Slavich B., Piazza A., Castellucci F., Mohadjer C., (2021). The Role of Celebrity and Status in the Performance–Pay Relationship: Evidence from the ‘Big Five’ European Football Leagues, M@n@gement, 24 (1) 1-16.
Della Torre Edoardo, Salimi Meysam, Giangreco A., (2020). Crowding-Out or Crowding-In? Direct Voice, Performance-Related Pay and Organizational Innovation in European Firms, Human Resources Management, 59 (2) 185-199.
Leonida L., Marra M., Scicchitano S., Giangreco A., Biagetti M., (2020). Estimating the Wage Premium to Supervision for Middle Managers in different contexts: evidence from Germany and the UK, Work, Employment and Society, 34 (6) 1004-1026.
Carugati A., MOLA L., Plé L., Lauwers M., Giangreco A., (2020). Exploitation and Exploration of IT in Times of Pandemic: From Dealing with Emergency to Institutionalizing Crisis Practices, European Journal of Information Systems, 29 (6) 762-777.
Della Torre E., Giangreco A., Legeais William, Vakkayil J., (2018). Do Italians Really Do It Better? Evidence of Migrant Pay Disparities in the Top Italian Football League, European Management Review, 15 (1) 121-136.
Bhoola Vanita, Giangreco A., (2018). HR activities and practices for project success: A multimethod approach from Indian IT firms, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22 (1) 1-29.
Vakkayil J., Della Torre E., Giangreco A., (2017). "It's not how it looks!" Exploring managerial perspectives on employee wellbeing, European Management Journal, 35 (4) 548-562.
Mola Lapo, Russo Ivan, Giangreco A., Rossignoli Cecilia, (2017). Who knows what? Reconfiguring the governance and the capabilities of the supply chain between physical and digital processes in the fashion industry, Production Planning and Control, 28 (16) 1284-1297.
Sebastiano A., Belvedere V., Grando A., Giangreco A., (2017). The effect of capacity management strategies on employee well-being: A quantitative investigation into the long-term healthcare industry, European Management Journal, 35 (4) 563-573.
Mola L., Rossignoli C., Carugati A., Giangreco A., (2015). Business Intelligence System Design and its Consequences for Knowledge Sharing, Collaboration, and Decision-Making: An Exploratory Study, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 11 (4) 1-25.
Slavich B., Cappetta R., Giangreco A., (2014). Exploring the link between Human Resource Practices and Turnover in Multi-Brand Companies: The Role of Brand Units Images, European Management Journal, 32 (2) 177-189.
Della Torre E., Giangreco A., Maes J., (2014). Show me the money! Pay Structure and Individual Performance in Golden Teams, European Management Review, 11 (1) 85-100.
Smith P, Vieira da Cunha J., Giangreco A., Vasilaki A., Carugati A., (2013). The threat of dis-identification for HR practices: An ethnographic study of a merger, European Management Journal, 31 (3) 308-321.
Giangreco A., Goethals F., Maes J., (2013). An Exploration of the Research/Teaching Trade-off in the Perception of Business Students, European Management Review, 10 (2) 69-81.
Giangreco A., Carugati A., Sebastiano A., Al Tamimi H., (2012). War Outside, Ceasefire Inside: An Analysis of the Performance Appraisal System of a Public Hospital in a Zone of Conflict, Evaluation and Program Planning, 35 (1) 161-170.
Gidron Y., Giangreco A., Vanuxem C., Leboucher O., (2012). The Relationship between Stress, Hemispheric Preference and Decision Making among Managers, Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 25 (2) 219-228.
Dejaeger K., Goethals F., Giangreco A., Mola L., Baesens B., (2012). Gaining insight into student satisfaction using comprehensible data mining techniques, European Journal of Operational Research, 218 (2) 548-562.
Smith P., Vasilaki A., Carugati A., Giangreco A., (2012). On the Counterintuitive Consequences of High-Performance Work Practices in Cross-Border Post-Merger Human Integration, European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, 2 (3-4) 299-318.
Peccei R., Giangreco A., Sebastiano A., (2011). The Role of Organisational Committment in the Analysis of Resistance to change: Co-Predictor and Moderator Effects, Personnel Review, 40 (2) 185-204.
Canato A., Giangreco A., (2011). Gurus or Wizards? A review of the role of management consultants, European Management Review, 8 (4) 234-244.
Carugati A., Giangreco A., Sebastiano A., (2011). Moving the Implementation Line: A Nursing Home’s Path to Success with IT, Systèmes d'Information et Management, 16 (4) 73-101.
Giangreco A., Carugati A., Pilati M., Sebastiano A., (2010). Performance Appraisal Systems in the Middle East: Moving Beyond Western Logics, European Management Review, 7 155-168.
Giangreco A., Carugati A., Sebastiano A., (2010). Are we Doing the Right Thing? Food for Thought on Training Evaluation and its Context, Personnel Review, 39 (2) 162-177.
Giangreco A., Carugati A., Sebastiono A., Della D., (2010). Trainees' Reactions to Training: Shaping Groups and Courses for Happier Trainees in an Italian Context, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21 (13) 2468-2487.
Giangreco A., Sebastiano A., Peccei R., (2009). Trainees’ Reactions to Training: An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Overall Satisfaction with Training, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20 (1) 96-111.
Giangreco A., Peccei R., (2005). The Nature and Antecedents of Middle Manager Resistance to Change: an Evidence from the Italian Context, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16 (10) 1812-1829.
Giangreco A., (2005). La Valutazione del Personale nella Pubblica Amministrazione: Opportunità o Chimera, Risorse Umane nella P.A., (4/5) 247-263.
Giangreco A., Sebastiano A., (2005). La Valutazione delle Prestazioni. Un'Evidenza Empirica a Carattere Internazionale, Sanità Pubblica e Privata, 3 33-51.
Giangreco A., (2003). Gli Antecedenti della Complessità Organizzativa Percepita, Studi Organizzativi, 2 47-63.
- Camisa G., Giangreco A., (2019) The Go-Kart Organization, Franco Angeli, Milan.
- Giangreco A., (2001) La Resistenza ai Cambiamenti del Management nelle Strutture Complesse, Franco Angeli, Milan.
- Giangreco A., (2001) Resistance to Change of Middle Managers: A Case study of the Italian Electricity Company (ENEL), Franco Angeli, Milan.
Chapitres de livres
- Vakkayil J., Giangreco A., (2015), Performance appraisal in the Middle East, in: Handbook of Human Resources Management in the Middle East.
- Carugati A., Mola L., Giangreco A., (2014), The Role of IT in Organisational Networks, Individual Newtworks, and in Bridging these Two Levels, in: Smart Organisations and Smart Artifacts: Lecture Notes in Informations Systems and Organisation .
- Sebastiano A., Carugati A., Giangreco A., (2013), The Pursuit of Happiness: The Virtuous Circle of an IT Tool for its Users and Beneficiaries, in: Organization change and Information Systems: Working and living together in new ways.
Afficher tout
- Carugati A., Morelli C, Giangreco A., (2010), Socio-Materiality as Lens to Study IT Driven Change , in: Information Systems: People, Organizations, Institutions, and Technologies .
- Giangreco A., (2004), I Fattori Determinanti del Profilo di Leader in Rebora G., in: La Leadership Italian.
Executive MBA :
- Organizational change management
MSc in International Business :
- International human resources management