Johannes CLAEYS

Johannes CLAEYS
Assistant Professor
Ph.D in Management - Tilburg University
Filière : Human Resource Management
  • 2017 : Ph.D in Management, Tilburg University, Netherlands
  • 2012 : Master, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
  • 2005 - 2008, Lecturer, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Expérience en entreprise :
  • 2012 - 2017, Coordinator leadership development program under the services of the director-general, VSKO , , Belgium
  • 2008 - 2017, Staff member Flemish Board Higher Education, VSKO , , Belgium
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
  • 2018 : P. Vongswasdi, H. Leroy & J. Claeys, leadership development beyond developing leader: A multi-narrative understanding of effectiveness. Best Paper award Annual Academy of Management Meeting 2018 Chicago MED-division: award for the paper that "offers the most significant contribution to management education, sponsored by OBTS and the Journal of Management Education., IÉSEG School of Management
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
  • Vongswasdi P., Leroy H., Claeys J., Anisman Razin M., van Dierendonck D., (2024). Beyond Developing Leaders: Toward a Multinarrative Understanding of the Value of Leadership Development Programs, Academy of Management Learning and Education, 23 (1) 8-40.
  • Claeys J., Leroy H., Vongswasdi P., Anisman-Razin M., Avolio B., Bresman H., Bunderson S., Burris E., Detert J., Dragoni L., Giessner S., Kniffin K., (2022). Walking Our Evidence-Based Talk: The Case of Leadership Development in Business Schools, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 29 (1) 5-32.
  • Gill Carol, Gardner William, Claeys J., Vangronsvelt Kathleen, (2018). Using Theory on Authentic Leadership to Build a Stronger Human Resource Management System, Human Resource Management Review, 28 (3) 304–318.
  • Leroy H., Janssens R., Van den Broeck A., Claeys J., Belting C., Schaller S., (2023) Strategisch swipen. Beter zoeken in de wereld van leiderschapsontwikkelng ., Agoria, Gent.
  • Vanspeybroeck Kris, Clayes Johannes, (2010) Eigen-zinnig leraar-zijn in een katholieke school. Waar zeg jij dat ik ben?, Licap, Brussel.
  • Vanspeybroeck Kris, Clayes Johannes, Pollefeyt Didier, (2009) Identiteit in Diversiteit, Inspiratie voor lerarenopleidingen, Licap, Brussel.
Afficher tout
  • Vanspeybroeck Kris, Clayes Johannes, (2009) Identiteit in Diversiteit, Inspiratie voor lerarenopleidingen, Licap, Brussel.
Chapitres de livres
  • Leroy H., Anisman Razin M., Vongswasdi P., Claeys J., (2024), Seven Unexpected Questions to Help Build Evidence-Based Leadership Development Programs, in: Not definitive.
  • Claeys J., (2017), Holistische leiderschapsontwikkeling in een kerkelijke en pastorale context, in: Gidsen die begeesteren. Over pastoraal leiderschap.
  • Claeys Johannes, (2010), Tussen interne drive en externe gedrevenheid. Over de kruisbestuiving tussen economie en onderwijs, in: Drive! Van onderwijs naar onderneming.
Domaines de Recherche
  • Management
  • leadership
  • Strategy and Ethics
Executive MBA :
  • Positive and fair leadership
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
  • Bachelor business game
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
  • Authentic leadership development
MSc in International Business :
  • Authentic leadership