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Full Professor
Ph.D. in Technology & Management - University of Twente
Academic Director
Filière : Strategy and Sustainability
Membre du LEM
Filière : Strategy and Sustainability
Membre du LEM
Curriculum Vitae
Principales Publications
Domaines de Recherche
- 2001 : Ph.D. in Technology & Management, University of Twente, Netherlands
- 1995 : Master, Environmental Science, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
- 2015 - 2016, Head of Department, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2013 - 2014, Visiting professor, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2010 - 2013, Member Faculty Board, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2008 - 2016, Associate professor, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2007 - 2010, Director of program, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 2001 - 2008, Assistant professor, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
- 2016 : IABS Best Article Award for 2014, International Association for Business and Society
- 2015 : Best Paper Award 2014, Journal of Management Studies
- 2020 : ONE-SIM Outreach Award: Finalist, Academy of Management
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
- Selling N., de Bakker F., (2025). When Employees Matter: How Employee Resource Groups and Workforce Liberalism Jointly Spur Firms to Support Pro-LGBTQ Legislation, Journal of Business Research, 186 (2025) 115017.
- Baldi M., de Bakker F., Melz R., (2024). Actor-Agency and Institutional Complexity: Multinational Corporations’ Strategies to Combat the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in Brazil, Critical Perspectives on International Business, 20 (2) 164-184.
- de Roo M., Wickert C., de Bakker F., Elfring T., (2024). From seller to broker: When and how issue sellers engage with external stakeholders to sell issues inside organizations, Strategic Organization, . (.) ..
Afficher tout
- de Bakker F., Pek S., Bapuji H., (2024). How to Achieve Impact With Innovative Publication Formats: Taking Stock of Business & Society’s Commentary Section, Business & Society, 63 (8) 1691-1708.
- Brown J., Spicer A., Rehbein K., Higgins C., de Bakker F., Bapuji H., (2022). More Than an Umbrella Construct: We Can (and Should) Do Better With CSR by Theorizing Through Context, Business & Society, 61 (8) 1965-1976.
- van Hille Iteke, De Bakker F., Groenewegen P., Ferguson J., (2021). Strategizing Nature in Cross-Sector Partnerships: Can Plantation Revitalization Enable Living Wages?, Organization and Environment, 34 (2) 175-197.
- Graafland J., de Bakker F., (2021). Crowding in or crowding out? How non-governmental organizations and media influence intrinsic motivations towards corporate social and environmental responsibility, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 64 (13) 2386-2409.
- Rehbein K., Leonel R., Den Hond F., De Bakker F., (2020). How do firms that are changing the world engage politically?, Rutgers Business Review, 5 (2) 203-225.
- Bapuji H., De Bakker F., Brown J., Higgins C., Rehbein K., Spicer A., (2020). Business and Society Research in Times of the Corona Crisis, Business & Society, 59 (6) 1067–1078.
- Bapuji H., Brown J., De Bakker F., Higgins C., Rehbein K., Spicer A., (2020). From the editors, Business & Society, 59 (1) 3-4.
- De Bakker F., Matten D., Spence L., Wickert C., (2020). The Elephant in the Room: The Nascent Research Agenda on Corporations, Social Responsibility, and Capitalism, Business & Society, 59 (7) 1295-1302.
- van Hille I., De Bakker F., Ferguson J., Groenewegen P., (2020). Cross-sector partnerships for sustainability: How mission-driven conveners drive change in national coffee platforms, Sustainability, 12 (7) 2846.
- van Wijk Jakomijn, Zietsma Charlene, Dorado Silvia, De Bakker F., Martí Ignasi, (2019). Social innovation: Integrating micro, meso and macro level insights from institutional theory, Business & Society, 58 (5) 887-918.
- Kok Anne, De Bakker F., Groenewegen Peter, (2019). Sustainability struggles: conflicting cultures and incompatible logics, Business & Society, 58 (8) 1496-1532.
- De Bakker F., Crane Andrew, Henriques Irene, Husted Bryan, (2019). Publishing interdisciplinary research in Business & Society, Business & Society, 58 (3) 443-452.
- Crane A., De Bakker F., Henriques I., Husted B., (2019). Taking stock at Business & Society: Reflections on our tenure as co-editors, 2015-2019., Business & Society, 58 (8) 1483-1495.
- Barberá-Tomás D., Castelló-Molina I., De Bakker F., Zietsma C., (2019). Energizing through visuals: How social entrepreneurs use emotion-symbolic work for social change, Academy of Management Journal, 62 (6) 1789-1817.
- Whelan Glen, De Bakker F., Den Hond Frank, Muthuri Judy, (2019). Talking the Walk: The Deflation Response to Legitimacy Challenges, M@na@gement, 22 (4) 633-663.
- De Bakker F., Crane Andrew, Henriques Irene, Husted Bryan, (2018). Editors’ insights. What makes for an exemplarary contribution? Introducing the Business & Society Best Paper Award, Business & Society, 57 (7) 1291-1300.
- Wickert C., De Bakker F., (2018). Pitching for social change: Towards a relational approach to selling and buying social issues, Academy of Management Discoveries, 4 (1) 50-73.
- Den Hond F., De Bakker F., Doh J., (2015). What prompts companies to collaboration with NGOs? Recent evidence from The Netherlands, Business & Society, 53 (2) 187-228.
- Den Hond F., Rehbein K., De Bakker F., Kooijmans-van Lankveld H., (2014). Playing on two chessboards: Reputation effects between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate political activity (CPA), Journal of Management Studies, 51 (5) 790-813.
- De Bakker F., Hellsten I., (2013). Capturing online presence: Hyperlinks and semantic networks in activist group websites on corporate social responsibility, Journal of Business Ethics, 118 (4) 807-823.
- Rasche A., De Bakker F., Moon J., (2013). Complete and partial organizing in corporate social responsibility, Journal of Business Ethics, 115 (4) 651-663.
- De Bakker F., Den Hond F., King B., Weber K., (2013). Social movements, civil society and corporations: Taking stock and looking ahead, Organization Studies, 34 (5/6) 573-593.
- De Bakker F., (2012). Exploring networks of activism on corporate social responsibility: Suggestions for a research agenda, Creativity and Innovation Management, 21 (2) 212-223.
- Van de Pol P., De Bakker F., (2010). Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Pharmaceuticals as a Matter of Corporate Social Responsibility?, Journal of Business Ethics, 94 (2) 211-224.
- Den Hond F., De Bakker F., Den Haan P., (2010). The sequential patterning of tactics: Institutional activism in the global sports apparel industry, 1988–2002, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 32 (5/6) 648-665.
- De Bakker F., Den Hond F., (2008). Introducing the politics of stakeholder influence: A review essay, Business & Society, 47 (1) 8-20.
- Six F., De Bakker F., Huberts L., (2007). Judging a corporate leader’s integrity: An illustrated three-component model, European Management Journal, 25 (3) 185-194.
- Den Hond F., De Bakker F., (2007). Ideologically motivated activism. How activist groups influence corporate social change, Academy of Management Review, 32 (3) 901-924.
- Meijer M.-M., De Bakker F., Smit J., Schuyt T., (2006). Corporate giving in the Netherlands 1995-2003: Exploring the amounts involved and the motivations for donating, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 11 (1) 13-28.
- Den Hond F., De Bakker F., Groenewegen P., (2006). A research note on the use of bibliometrics to review the Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Performance literature, Business & Society, 45 (1) 7-19.
- De Bakker F., Den Hond F., Groenewegen P., (2005). A bibliometric analysis of 30 years of research and theory on Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Performance, Business & Society, 44 (3) 283-317.
- De Bakker F., Nijhof A., (2002). Responsible chain management: A capability assessment framework, Business Strategy and the Environment, 11 (1) 63-75.
- De Bakker F., Fisscher O., Brack A., (2002). Organising product-oriented environmental management from a firm’s perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production, 10 (5) 455-464.
- De Bakker F., (2001). Product-Oriented Environmental Management: Lessons from Total Quality Management, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 5 (2) 55-69.
- De Bakker F., Den Hond F., Neergaard P., (2007) Managing corporate social responsibility in action: Talking, doing and measuring, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot.
Chapitres de livres
- de Bakker F., den Hond F., (2023), NGOs, Activism and Sustainability, in: Corporate Sustainability: Managing Responsible Business in a Globalised World.
- Castello I., Barberá D., de Bakker F., (2021), Images, words and emotions: Multimodality research on emotion-symbolic work., in: Research Methods for Digital Work and Organization: Investigating distributed, multi-modal and mobile work..
- Etchanchu H., de Bakker F., Delmestri G., (2021), Social movement organizations’ agency for sustainable organizing, in: Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency.
Afficher tout
- Rehbein Kathleen, den Hond Frank, De Bakker F., (2018), Aligning Adverse Activities? Corporate Social Responsibility and Political Activity, in: Corporate Social Responsibility.
- Hasanefendic S., Patricio T., De Bakker F., (2017), Heterogeneous responses of Portuguese polytechnics to the new research policy demands, in: The University as Critical Institution?.
- De Bakker F., Den Hond F., (2017), NGO Activism and CSR, in: Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategy, Communication, Governance.
- De Bakker F., Den Hond F., Laamanen M., (2017), Social Movements: Organizations and Organizing, in: Handbook of Social Movements Across Disciplines.
- Den Hond F., De Bakker F., Smith N., (2015), Social movements and organizational analysis, in: The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements.
- De Bakker F., (2015), Online activism and institutional change for corporate social responsibility: a typology, in: Civic Engagement and Social Media: Political Participation beyond the Protest.
- De Bakker F., Den Hond F., (2012), Boomerang politics: how transnational stakeholders impact multinational corporations in the context of globalization, in: A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: Pressures, Conflicts, and Reconciliation.
- De Bakker F., Den Hond F., (2011), A Disputed Contract: IHC Caland in Burma, in: European Business Ethics Casebook.
- De Bakker F., Den Hond F., (2011), A disputed contract: IHC Caland in Burma, in: European Business Ethics Cases in Context: The Morality of Corporate Decision Making.
- Horstman N., De Bakker F., Masurel E., Van Hemert P., (2008), Monkey see – monkey do. Some observations on sustainable innovations in zoos, in: Innovative Approaches to Global Sustainability.
- Den Hond F., De Bakker F., Neergaard P., Gond J.-P., (2007), Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: from conceptual harmony to practical dissonance, in: Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: Talking, Doing, Measuring.
- De Bakker F., Den Hond F., Neergaard P., (2007), Introduction. Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: Talking, Doing and Measuring, in: Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: Talking, Doing and Measuring.
- De Bakker F., Den Hond F., (2007), Activist groups tactics to influence companies, in: 21st Century Management: A Reference Handbook.
- De Bakker F., Ohlsson C., Den Hond F., Tengblad S., Turcotte M.-F., (2007), Tracing the evolution of corporate discourse on corporate social responsibility: a longitudinal, lexicological study, in: Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: Talking, Doing, Measuring.
- van Wijk J., De Bakker F., (2006), Engaging tour operators in sustainable tourism: a Dutch professional association’s approach, in: Sustainable Tourism II.
- De Bakker F., (2006), Legitimiteit als moreel wisselgeld, in: Bedrijfsgevallen. Morele beslissingen van ondernemingen.
- De Bakker F., Den Hond F., (2006), Een omstreden contract: IHC Caland in Burma, in: Bedrijfsgevallen. Morele beslissingen van ondernemingen.
- De Bakker F., (2004), Contributions of product-oriented environmental management to corporate sustainability, in: Stakeholders, the Environment and Society.
- De Bakker F., Foley D., (2002), Product-oriented environmental management. The case of Xerox Europe., in: The Ecology of the New Economy.
- Burger S., De Bakker F., Schuyt T., (2002), De invulling van burgerschap door bedrijven, in: Modern burgerschap.
Domaines de Recherche
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Organizational Studies
- Non-Governmental Organizations
- Strategy and Ethics
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
- Business ethics
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
- Sustainability strategies
- Change management for sustainability strategies
- Ent strategy and company observation
- Ent research methodology
- Corporate social responsibility and sustainability
Post graduate program :
- Scenario week
- Bootcamp 1: business game
- Activism: strategies and tactics