Associate Professor
Ph.D., Management Sciences, Marketing - Louvain School of Management - UCLouvain-Mons
Head of Department
Filière : Marketing
Membre du LEM
  • 2017 : Ph.D., Management Sciences, Marketing, Louvain School of Management - UCLouvain-Mons, Belgium
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
  • 2018 - maintenant, Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2017 - 2018, Lecturer, University of Namur and University of Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium
  • 2017 - 2017, Lecturer, EDHEC Business School, Lille, France
  • 2012 - 2018, Teaching and Research Assistant, Louvain School of Management - UCLouvain-Mons, Mons-Louvain, Belgium
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
  • 2018 : Best Dissertation Award in Service Research Finalist, SERVSIG
  • 2017 : The Bob Johnston Best Paper Award, International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management
  • 2016 : Most Innovative Paper Award, Elsevier
  • 2016 : Most Promising Young Researcher Award, Association Française du Marketing
  • 2016 : Best Communication Award, Association Française du Marketing
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
  • Leclercq T., Steil Nadia, Wafa Hammedi W., (2024). Gamification Myopia: Satiation Effects in Gamified Activities, Journal of Service Research, 27 (2) 213-230.
  • Leclercq T., Danis E., Hoornaert S., (2024). Trust me, I am famous: Legitimating attractive celebrities as credible endorsers for charitable organizations, Journal of Marketing Management, 40 (1-2) 102-128.
  • Leclercq T. J., Denis E., Ritondo R., (2023). Dites-moi pourquoi, ou dites-moi pour qui : Formuler les demandes de don en fonction de l’orientation politique, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 38 (2) 28-61.
Afficher tout
  • Leclercq T. J., Poncin I., (2023). Breaking Down the Crowd of backers: Profiling Cooperative Strategies on a Reward-based Crowdfunding Platform, Journal of Marketing Management, 39 (13-14) 1366-1390.
  • Leclercq Thomas, Ciuchita Robert, Heller Jonas, Köcher Sarah, Köcher Sören , Sidaoui Karim , Stead Susan, (2023). It’s Really Not a Game: An Integrative Review of Gamification for Service Research, Journal of Service Research, 26 (1) 3-20.
  • Leclercq T. J., (2022). No pain, no gain! The uncertainty-to- win effect on customer experience quality through gamified interaction, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 37 (3) 71-100.
  • Leclercq T. J., Poncin I., Hammedi W., Kullak Avreliane A., Linda Hollebeek L., (2020). When Gamification Backfires: The Impact of Perceived Justice on Online Community Contributions, Journal of Marketing Management, 36 (5-6) 550-577.
  • Leclercq T. J., Hammedi W., Poncin I., Alkire L., (2020). Uncovering the Dark Side of Gamification at Work: Impacts on Engagement and Well-Being, Journal of Business Research, 122 (1) 246-269.
  • Leclercq T. J., Poncin I., Hammedi W., (2020). Opening the black box of gameful experience: Implications for gamification process design, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52 (january) 1-10.
  • Leclercq T., Hammedi Wafa, Poncin Ingrid, (2018). The Boundaries of Gamification for Engaging Customers: Effects of Losing a Contest in Online Co-creation Communities, Journal of Interactive Marketing (formerly JDM), 44 82-101.
  • Leclercq T., Poncin Ingrid, Hammedi Wafa, (2017). The Engagement Process During Value Co- Creation: Gamification in New Product- Development Platforms, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 21 (4) 454-488.
  • Hammedi Wafa, Leclercq T., van Riel Allard, (2017). The use of gamification mechanics to increase employee and user engagement in participative healthcare services, Journal of Service Management (formerly IJSIM), 28 (4) 640-661.
  • Poncin Ingrid, Garnier Marion, Ben Mimoun Mohammed, Leclercq T., (2017). Smart technologies and shopping experience: Are gamification interfaces effective? The case of the Smartstore, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 124 320-331.
  • Leclercq T., Hammedi Wafa, Poncin Ingrid, (2016). Ten years of value cocreation: An integrative review, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 31 (3) 26-60.
  • Leclercq T. J., Friedman Mike, (2015). Brand discrimination: an implicit measure of the strength of mental brand representations, PLOS ONE, 10 (3) 1-24.
Chapitres de livres
  • Leclercq T. J., Poncin I., Hammedi W., (2019), Customer Engagement: The Role of Gamification, in: Handbook of Research on Customer Engagement.
Domaine de Recherche
  • Marketing