- 2014 : Ph.D. Marketing, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
- 2009 : Master, Marketing and Management, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
- 2008 : Diploma (5-year degree) , Sociology, Economic Sociology, National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Russia
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
- 2020 - maintenant, Assistant Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
- 2012 - 2019, Assistant Professor, Nottingham University Business School, , United Kingdom
- 2010 - 2011, Researcher, Loughborough University, , United Kingdom
- 2006 - 2008, Researcher, National Research University - Higher School of Economics, ,
Prix Scientifiques et Awards
- 2018 : Teaching excellence, Nottingham University Business School
- 2018 : Teaching excellence, Nottingham University Business School
- 2014 : Teaching excellence, Nottingham University Business School
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
Hughes P., Oliveira J., Hultman M., Boso N., Hodgkinson I., Nemkova E., Souchon A. L., (2023). Decision-making in international marketing: past, present, and future, International Marketing Review, 40 (3) 413-428.
Toth Z., Nemkova E., Hizsak G., Nauded P., (2022). Social capital creation on professional sharing economy platforms: The problems of rating dependency and the non-transferability of social capital, Journal of Business Research, 144 (May 2022) 450-460.
Hultman M., Boso N., Yeboah-Banin A. A., Hodgkinson I., Souchon A. L., Nemkova E., Oliveira J., Hughes P., (2022). How agency and self-efficacy moderate the effects of strategic improvisational behaviors on sales performance: Evidence from an emerging market, European Management Review, 19 (3) 417-435.
Afficher tout
Demirel P., Nemkova E., Taylor R., (2021). Reproducing Global Inequalities in the Online Labour Market: Valuing Capital in the Design Field, Work, Employment and Society, 35 (5) 914-930.
Efrat K., Souchon A., Dickenson P., Nemkova E., (2021). Chutzpadik advertising and its effectiveness: Four studies of agencies and audiences, Journal of Business Research, 137 (December 2021) 601-613.
Hughes Paul, Souchon A, Nemkova E., Hodgkinson I.R, Oliverira J, Boso N, Hultman M, Yeboah-Banin A, Sy-Changco J, (2019). Quadratic effects of dynamic decision-making capability on innovation orientation and performance: Evidence from Chinese exporters, Industrial Marketing Management, 83 (November) 59-69.
Nemkova E., Demirel Pelin, Baines Linda, (2019). In search for meaningful work on digital freelancing platforms: The case of design professionals, New Technology, Work & Employment, 34 (3) 226-243.
Efrat K, Hughes P, Nemkova E., Souchon A, Sy-Changco J, (2018). Leveraging of dynamic export capabilities for competitive advantage and performance consequences: Evidence from China, Journal of Business Research, 84 (March) 114-124.
Kadic-Maglajlic S, Arslanagic-Kalajdzic M, Michaelidou N, Micevski M, Nemkova E., (2017). Controversial advert perceptions in SNS advertising: the role of ethical judgement and religious commitment, Journal of Business Ethics, 141 (March) 249-265.
Nemkova E., (2017). The impact of agility on the market performance of born-global firms: an exploratory study to the 'Tech City' innovation cluster’, Journal of Business Research, 80 (November) 257-265.
Yeboah-Banin A, Boso N, Hultman M, Souchon A, Hughes P, Nemkova E., (2016). Salesperson improvisation: antecedents, performance outcomes and boundary conditions, Industrial Marketing Management, 59 (November) 120-130.
Souchon A, Hughes P, Farell A, Nemkova E., Oliveira J, (2016). Spontaneity and international marketing performance, International Marketing Review, 33 (5) 671-690.
Nemkova E., Souchon A, Hughes P, Micevski M, (2015). Decision theory applied to the export decision-making process: combining planning and improvisation for export success, Journal of International Marketing, 23 (3) 41-65.
Nemkova E., Souchon A, Hughes p, (2012). Export decision-making orientation: an exploratory study, International Marketing Review, 29 (4) 349-378.