Associate Professor
Ph.D., Economics and Mathematics Sciences, Economics - EHESS
Filière : Economics
  • 2019 : Ph.D., Economics and Mathematics Sciences, Economics, EHESS, France
  • 2016 : Master, Economics and Mathematics Sciences, Economics Analyse et Politique Economiques, EHESS, France
  • 2015 : Agrégation de Sciences Sociales, Ecole Normale Supérieure and University of Paris Sorbonne, France
  • 2013 : Bachelor, Human Sciences and Sociology, Sociology, University of Paris IV, France
  • 2013 : Bachelor, Economics and Mathematics Sciences, Economics, University of Paris I, France
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
  • Montalbo A., (2022). Primary Education and Economic Growth in Nineteenth-Century France, Cliometrica, 16 (2022) 277–332.
  • Montalbo A., (2021). Landholding Inequality and the Consolidation of Democracy: Evidence from Nineteenth-Century France, Journal of Economic History, 0 0.
  • Montalbo A., (2021). Schools without a law: Primary education in France from the Revolution to the Guizot Law, Explorations in Economic History, 79 (2021) 101364.
Afficher tout
  • Montalbo A., (2020). Industrial activities and primary schooling in early nineteenth-century France, Cliometrica, 14 (2) 325–365.