Laurianne SCHMITT

Laurianne SCHMITT
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Sales and Marketing - EM Strasbourg
Filière : Marketing
Membre du LEM
  • 2021 : Ph.D. in Sales and Marketing, EM Strasbourg, France
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
  • Rangarajan D., McClure C., Epler R., Schmitt L., (2024). AI in Sales: Laying the Foundations for Future Research, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 44 (2) 108-127.
  • Schmitt L., Plouffe Christopher, Decarlo T., Fergurson R., Kumar B., Moreno G., Sleep S., volpers S., wang H., (2024). Salespeople and teams as stakeholder and knowledge managers: a service-ecosystem, co-creation, crossing-points perspective on key outcomes, European Journal of Marketing, 58 (3) 704 -732.
  • Schmitt L., Epler R., Casenave E., Pallud J., (2024). An Inquiry into Effective Salesperson Social Media Use in Multinational Versus Local Firms, Journal of International Marketing, 32 (1) 72-91.
Afficher tout
  • Epler R., Schmitt L., Mathis D., Leach M., Hochstein B., (2023). Do Salesforce Management Systems Actually Drive Salesperson Intentions?, Industrial Marketing Management, 113 (2023) 42-57.
  • Schmitt L., Casenave E., Pallud J., (2021). Salespeople’s work toward the institutionalization of social selling practices, Industrial Marketing Management, 96 (1) 183-196.
  • Schmitt L., Casenave E., Pallud J., (2021). How B2B Salespeople Use Social Media: a Practice Theory Approach, Décisions Marketing, 104 (4) 199-216.
Bachelor in International Business :
  • Purchasing strategy
  • Advanced sales management
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
  • Survey design and analysis
  • Research and consulting tools
  • Sales and business management