Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Economy, Accounting - HEC Lausanne
Filière : Accounting
  • 2018 : Ph.D., Economy, Accounting, HEC Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 2012 : Master of Science in Finance, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  • 2008 : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Haute École de Gestion de Genève, Switzerland
Expériences Professionnelles
Expérience académique :
  • 2024 - maintenant, Assistant Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2019 - 2023, Assistant Professor, University of Laval, Québec, Canada
  • 2013 - 2018, Teaching and Research assistant, HEC Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 2009 - 2012, Teaching assistant, Haute École de Gestion de Genève, Genève, Switzerland
Expérience en entreprise :
  • 2018 - 2018, Project Manager for Executive Education, HEC Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 2012 - 2013, Financial Analyst Junior, , Geneva, Switzerland
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
  • Oberson R., Schatt A., Lobo G., (2024). European Global Systemically Important Banks, Banking Supervisory Power, and Audit Fees, European Accounting Review, (Forthcoming) (-) 1-26.
  • Oberson R., Dong M., (2022). Moving toward the expected credit loss model under IFRS 9: capital transitional arrangement and bank systematic risk, Accounting and Business Research, 52 (6) 641-679.
  • Oberson R., (2021). The Credit-Risk Relevance of Loan Impairments Under IFRS 9 for CDS Pricing: Early Evidence, European Accounting Review, 30 (5) 959-987.
Domaines de Recherche
  • Audit and Control
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Quantitative Methods
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
  • Advanced financial analysis
International MBA :
  • Principles of accounting and management control