Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Economics and Management - University of Namur
Head of Department
Track: Finance
LEM Member
  • 2008 : Ph.D. in Economics and Management, University of Namur, Belgium
  • 2008 : MSc in International Securities, Investment and Banking, ICMA Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading, United Kingdom
  • 2003 : Ingénieur de Gestion, University of Liège, Belgium
Professional Experiences
Academic Experience
  • 2020 - present, Head of the Finance Department, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2017 - present, Associate Professor of Finance, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2014 - 2020, Academic director - MSc in Investment Banking and Capital Markets, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2013 - 2014, Academic director - MSc in Finance, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2008 - 2017, Assistant Professor of Finance, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2005 - 2008, ICM Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium
  • 2003 - 2005, Teaching and Research Assistant, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium
Professional Experience :
  • 2006 - 2006, Intern - Monetary Policy Stance Division (DG-Economics), European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Scientific prizes and Awards
  • 2022 : Grand Prix de la Formation et de l'Innovation Académique, Lille Place Financière
  • 2010 : Best Paper Award, French Finance Association
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
  • Beaupain R., Heck S., (2024). So different and yet so alike: A comparative analysis of firms' connectedness in the stock and corporate bond markets, European Financial Management, TBD (TBD) TBD.
  • Beaupain R., Braouezec Y., (2024). International banking regulation and Tier 1 capital ratios. On the robustness of the critical average risk weight framework, International Review of Financial Analysis, 91 (2024) 103025.
  • Beaupain R., Girard A., (2020). The value of understanding central bank communication, Economic Modelling, 85 (2020) 154-165.
Show all
  • Beaupain R., Braouezec Y., Renault T., (2019). Valeur d'usage d'une monnaie: Les cryptomonnaies peuvent-elles se substituer aux monnaies traditionnelles?, Revue Banque, 831 76-80.
  • Beaupain R., Braouezec Y., Renault Thomas, (2019). Monnaie fiduciaire, monnaie électronique et crypto-monnaies La monnaie à l’heure du digital, Revue Banque, 830 64-67.
  • Beaupain R., Braouezec Y., (2018). Les taux directeurs de la BCE et la réforme de l'EONIA, Revue Banque, 822 (juillet-aout) 55-58.
  • Beaupain R., Braouezec Y., (2018). Taux offerts du marché interbancaire et réformes actuelles, Revue Banque, 823 (Septembre) 64-68.
  • Beaupain R., Braouezec Y., (2017). Central bank tools for steering short-term interest rates, Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, LVI (2017/4) 113-123.
  • Beaupain R., Durré A., (2016). Excess liquidity and the money market in the euro area, Journal of Macroeconomics, 47 33-44.
  • Beaupain R., Heck S., (2016). A repeat-sales index for pricing US corporate bonds, Finance, 37 (2) 75-117.
  • Beaupain R., Durré A., (2013). Central bank reserves and interbank market liquidity in the euro area, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 22 (2) 259-284 .
  • Beaupain R., Joliet R., (2011). Corporate drivers of market liquidity on the Warsaw stock exchange, International Economics, 125 83-104.
  • Beaupain R., Durré A., (2011). Inferring trading dynamics for an OTC market: The case of the euro area overnight money market, Quantitative Finance, 11 (9) 1285-1295.
  • Beaupain R., Giot P., Petitjean M., (2010). Volatility regimes and liquidity co-movements in cap based portfolios, Finance, 31 (1) 55-79.
  • Beaupain R., Dauginet S., Petitjean M., (2010). Variations communes de liquidité au sein de portefeuilles de faible, moyenne et forte capitalisation: Les enseignements des crises financières asiatique et russe, Revue Bancaire et Financière, 2010 (1) 49-56.
Book Chapters
  • Beaupain R., Meng L., Marticou M., (2011), Grass-root stock market investment and long-term commonality in liquidity: Evidence from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, in: Contemporary studies in economic and financial analysis: The impact of the global financial crisis on emerging financial markets.
Research fields
  • Money market microstructure
  • Market liquidity (time dynamics, resilience)
  • Monetary policy implementation (especially in the Eurosystem)
  • High frequency data
  • Fixed-Income Markets
  • Interest rate benchmarks
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
  • Finance strategy and company observation
  • Firm valuation
  • Vba for finance
  • Market risk management
  • Liquidity risk management
  • Introduction to financial data services (bloomberg and thomson reuters eikon)
MSc in Investment Banking and Capital Markets :
  • Connected vision tour
  • Python programming with financial applications
  • Quantitative financial analysis
  • Computational thinking with vba
  • Equity analysis
  • Financial data services (bloomberg and thomson reuters eikon)