Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Management - University of Paris Sud-XI
Track: Accounting
LEM Member
  • 2016 : HDR, Management Sciences, Audit and Control, Faculté Jean Monnet, University Paris Sud, France
  • 2004 : Ph.D. in Management, University of Paris Sud-XI, France
  • 2000 : Master in Accounting and Control, University of Paris Dauphine, France
  • 2000 : MBA in « Management des entreprises de réseaux », Ecole Nationale Supérieure des PTT (ENSPTT), France
Professional Experiences
Academic Experience
  • 2015 - present, Associate Professor of Accounting, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2010 - present, Assistant professor in accounting, IÉSEG School of Management, Lille, France
  • 2005 - 2010, Assistant professor in accounting, Groupe ESC Chambéry, Chambéry, France
  • 2003 - 2005, Teaching and Research Assistant, Faculté Jean Monnet, University Paris Sud, Sceaux, France
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
  • Bouten L., Bayle-Cordier J., Beldi A., Compernolle T., (2024). Boards and CSR: exploring the individual perceptions of non-executive directors, Accounting Forum, 48 (4) 567-593.
  • Guermazi Hend, Damak-Ayadi Salma, Beldi A., (2024). The determinants of voluntary relational liabilities: empirical evidence, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 29 (5) 670-691.
  • Beldi Adel, Karmeni Kerim, Saadi Tayeb, (2024). Exploring the performance effects of digitalisation: a measurement tool based on the sustainability balanced scorecard framework, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, xx (xx) 1-14.
Show all
  • Damak-Ayadi S., Guermazi H., Beldi A., (2022). The Stock Market Reaction to Securities Class Action Filings, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 12 (6) 127-132.
  • Beldi A., Karmeni K., (2019). The antecedents of franchisee performance: an explanation based on control mechanisms, Revue management & avenir, 113 (7) 63-82.
  • Karmeni K., De la Villarmois Olivier, Beldi A., (2018). Impact of control on innovation: The case of franchising, Management Decision, 56 (7) 1485-1505.
  • Beldi A., Damak-Ayadi S., Eleuch A., (2014). La divulgation volontaire sur le capital intellectuel : cas des entreprises familiales et non familiales en France, Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 13 (3) 99-121.
  • Khedhaouria A., Beldi A., (2014). Perceived enjoyment and the effect of gender on continuance intention for Mobile Internet Services, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 10 (2) 1-20.
  • Khedhaouria A., Beldi A., Belbaly N., (2013). The moderating effect of gender on continuance intention for mobile Internet services, Systèmes d'Information et Management, 3 (18) 117-137.
  • Cheffi W., Beldi A., (2012). Analysis of managers’ use of management accounting, International Journal of Business, 17 (2) 113-125.
  • Cheffi W., Rao A., Beldi A., (2010). Designing a Performance Measurement System: Accountants and Managers Diverage, Management Accounting Quarterly, 11 (3) 8-21.
  • Beldi A., Cheffi W., Dey P., (2010). Managing Customer Relationship Management Projects: The Case of a Large French Telecommunications Company, International Journal of Project Management, 28 (4) 339-351.
  • Beldi A., Chastenet E., Dupuis JC., Talfi M., (2010). Pertinence des méthodes d’évaluation financière des marques: une étude empirique au niveau international, Revue Française de Gestion, 8 (207) 153-168.
  • Azan W., Beldi A., (2010). De la cybernétique à la théorie de la human agency: vers un management des SI centré sur les utilisateurs, Management & Avenir, 9 (39) 192-212.
  • Gumb B., Dejean E., Beldi A., (2009). Performance et pôles de compétitivité: une revue de littérature, Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle, 28 (3) 55-79.
  • Azan W., Beldi A., (2009). Apport de la théorie de l’action humaine à la compréhension des usages des systèmes d’information, Systèmes d'Information et Management, 14 (3) 79-107.
  • Beldi A., (2014) Processus d'implémentation d'un PGI (ERP) et conduite du changement, Presses Académiques Francophones.
  • Roussel-Sargis C., Beldi A., Butin G., Lacroix E., (2014) Comptabilité générale : Principes et applications, Pearson France, Paris.
Book Chapters
  • Beldi A., Khedhaouria A., (2017), Continuance Use Intention of Mobile Internet Services: Does Gender Matter?, in: Research Paradigms and Contemporary Perspectives on Human- Technology Interaction.
  • Karmeni K., de La Villarmois O., Beldi A., Mansouri F., (2016), Une explication de l’impact positif du contrôle social sur l’innovation : une étude fondée sur l’analyse de l’effet de médiation , in: L'Intégration des connaissances et l'innovation dans les pays du sud.
  • Beldi A., (2012), CRM implementation: the management of a Technochange in a French telecommunications company , in: Advances in Communications and Media Research .
Research fields
  • Audit and Control
  • Corporate governance
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
  • Mission controle de gestion
  • Comptabilite generale et financiere
  • Bachelor business game
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
  • Gouvernance et gestion des risques
  • Comptabilité financière approfondie
  • Financial and non financial reporting
  • Global performance management
  • ContrÔle de gestion approfondi
  • Business game