Full Professor
Ph.D., in Business Economics - KU Leuven
Dean for Faculty
Track: Human Resource Management
LEM Member
  • 2013 : Ph.D., in Business Economics, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • 2008 : Master of Science in Business Economics, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • 2007 : Bachelor in Business Economics, KU Leuven, Belgium
Professional Experiences
Academic Experience
  • 2022 - present, Dean of Faculty, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2022 - 2022, Deputy Dean of Faculty, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2019 - present, Associate Professor Human Resource Management, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2019 - 2022, Head of the Department of "People, Organizations and Negotiation", IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2017 - 2019, Track Coordinator Human Resource Management, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2015 - 2019, Assistant Professor Human Resource Management, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2014 - 2015, Adjunct Professor Human Resource Management, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2014 - 2015, Post-doctoral Researcher, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
  • 2008 - 2014, Teaching and Research Assistant, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Scientific prizes and Awards
  • 2015 : 2014 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award, Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence
  • 2008 : Acerta best paper Award, Acerta
  • 2019 : Top downloaded article 2017-2018 in European Management Review entitled "Developmental HRM, employee well-being and performance: The moderating role of developing leadership", European Management Review
  • 2019 : Paper "Van Zelderen, Dries and Marescaux (2019). Using the SCT to explain why a manager should remain secret about talent status" selected as one of the top posters presented at the SIOP conference , Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • 2018 : Paper selected as Best Paper at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting - Seeing eye to eye on family supportive supervisor behaviors: the impact on employee outcomes, Academy of Management
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
  • Marescaux E., De Winne S., (2024). (Not) Seeing Eye to Eye on Developmental HRM Practices: Perceptual (In)Congruence and Employee Outcomes, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 35 (7) 1340-1369.
  • Van Zelderen A., Dries N., Marescaux E., (2024). The paradox of inclusion in elite workforce differentiation practices: harnessing the genius effect, Journal of Management Studies, / (/) /.
  • Bhatt M., Marescaux E., (2024). HRM and knowledge transfer in alliance projects: Exploring social identity dynamics, Human Resource Management Review, 34 (2) 101016.
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  • Berber A., Findikli M. A., Marescaux E., Rofcanin Y., Mughal F., Swart J., (2023). Exploring the effects of reduced load work arrangements (RLWAs): The role of individual autonomy and workplace level justice perceptions, European Management Journal, 41 (5) 720-729.
  • Van Waeyenberg T., Brebels L., De Winne S., Marescaux E., (2023). What Does Your I-deal Say About Me? A Social Comparison Examination of Coworker Reactions to Flexibility I-deals, Group and Organization Management, 48 (1) 192-223.
  • Yao J., Marescaux E., Ma L., Storme M., (2023). A contingency approach to HRM and firm innovation: The role of national cultures, Human Resource Management, 62 (5) 685-699.
  • Hamstra M.R.W., Schreurs B., Laurijssen M., Marescaux E., (2023). Who wants to leave when facing mass lay-off: A regulatory focus perspective on turnover intentions and mobility-oriented behavior, Career Development International, 28 (2) 145-159.
  • Wang S., Rofcanin Y., Las Heras M., Bosch M., Marescaux E., (2023). Do You Get What You Desire? Consequences of (Mis) Fit of Desired versus Actual Servant Leadership, and the Role of Context across Ten Countries, BRQ Business Research Quarterly, X (X) X.
  • Van Zelderen A., Dries N., Marescaux E., (2023). Talents under threat: The anticipation of being ostracized by non-talents drives talent turnover, Group and Organization Management, / (/) /.
  • De Meulenaere K., De Winne S., Marescaux E., Vanormelingen S., (2021). The Role of Firm Size and Knowledge Intensity in the Performance Effects of Collective Turnover, Journal of Management, 47 (4) 993-1023.
  • Marescaux E., De Winne S., Rofcanin Y., (2021). Co-worker reactions to i-deals through the lens of social comparison: the role of fairness and emotions, Human Relations, 74 (3) 329-353.
  • Marescaux E., De Winne S., Brebels L., (2021). Putting the Pieces together: A review of HR differentiation literature and a multilevel model, Journal of Management, 47 (6) 1564–1595.
  • KELLY C., Rofcanin Y., Las Heras M., Ogbonnaya C., Marescaux E., Bosch M., (2020). Seeking an "ideal" balance: Schedule flexibility i-deals as mediating mechanisms between supervisor emotional support and employee work and home performance, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 118 (2020) 103369.
  • Marescaux E., Rofcanin Y., Las Heras M., Ilies R., Bosch M., (2020). When employees and supervisors (do not) see eye to eye on family-supportive supervisor behaviours: The role of segmentation desire and work-family culture, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 121 (2020) 103471.
  • De Winne S., Marescaux E., Sels L., Van Beveren I., Vanormelingen S., (2019). The Impact of Employee Turnover and Turnover Volatility on Labor Productivity: a Flexible Non-Linear Approach, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30 (21) 3049-3079.
  • Marescaux E., De Winne S., Sels L., (2019). Idiosyncratic deals from a distributive justice perspective: examining co-workers' voice behavior, Journal of Business Ethics, 154 (1) 263-281.
  • Rofcanin Y., Berber A., Marescaux E., Bal M., Mughal F., Findikli M.A., (2019). HR Differentiation: A Theoretical Paper Integrating Co-Workers’ Perspective and Context, Human Resource Management Journal, 29 (2) 270-286.
  • Marescaux E., De Winne S., Forrier A., (2019). Developmental HRM, employee well-being and performance: the moderating role of developing leadership, European Management Review, 16 (2) 317-331.
  • De Winne S., Marescaux E., Sels L., Van Beveren I., Vanormelingen S., (2016). Het effect van (volatiliteit in) personeelsverloop op de arbeidsproductiviteit, Over.Werk, 26 (1) 155-159.
  • De Winne S., Marescaux E., Sels L., Vanormelingen S., (2015). De relatie tussen natuurlijk verloop en de arbeidsproductiviteit van een organisatie, Over.Werk, 25 (3) 44-51.
  • Marescaux E., De Winne S., Sels L., (2013). HR practices and HRM outcomes: the role of basic need satisfaction, Personnel Review, 42 (1) 4-27.
  • Marescaux E., De Winne S., Sels L., (2013). HR practices and affective organizational commitment: (when) does HR differentiation pay off?, Human Resource Management Journal, 23 (4) 329-345.
  • Forrier A., Marescaux E., De Winne S., (2010). Denkbeelden over vijftigplussers bij Vlaamse werkgevers, Over.Werk, 20 (1) 117-128.
Book Chapters
  • Dries N., Marescaux E., Van Zelderen A., (2021), Talent Management and Career Management, in: Routledge's companion to Talent Management.
  • Koch M., Marescaux E., (2021), Talent management and workforce differentiation, in: Routledge's companion to Talent Management.
  • Marescaux E., (2019), Resource-Based View, in: Canon van HRM - 50 theorieën over een vakgebied in ontwikkeling.
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  • Marescaux E., De Winne S., (2015), Equity versus need: how do co-workers judge the distributive fairness of i-deals?, in: Idiosyncratic Deals between Employees and Organizations. Conceptual issues, applications and the role of co-workers.
  • Sels L., Booghmans M., Marescaux E., De Winne S., Van Beveren I., (2011), Ondernemerschap in Vlaanderen: een stand van zaken, in: Capita selecta uit Vlaams arbeidsmarktonderzoek .
  • Van Hootegem G., De Winne S., Forrier A., Marescaux E., Sels L., Huys R., (2009), Bezig Vlaanderen, in: De Sociale Staat van Vlaanderen 2009.
  • De Winne S., Van Beveren I., Marescaux E., Sels L., (2009), Startend ondernemerschap en werkgelegenheidscreatie : een dynamisch en regionaal perspectief, in: Groeizaam Vlaanderen: een beleidsondersteunend wetenschappeli jk perspectief .
Peer Review Proceedings
  • Marescaux E., Rofcanin Y., Las Heras M., (2018), Seeing eye to eye on family supportive supervisor behaviors: the impact on employee outcomes, in: Academy of Management Proceedings Academy of Management , pp..
Research field
  • Human Resource Management
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
  • Introduction to human resource management
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
  • Fundamentals of human behavior
  • Talent management
  • Hrm research methodology
MSc in International Business :
  • International human resource management