Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Sales and Marketing - IÉSEG School of Management
Track: Marketing
  • 2020 : Ph.D. in Sales and Marketing, IÉSEG School of Management, France
  • 2007 : Master, Business Administration, Management, University of Wales, United Kingdom
  • 2005 : Bachelor, Other, Music, University of York, United Kingdom
Professional Experiences
Academic Experience
  • 2021 - present, Assistant Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
  • 2015 - 2020, Teaching and Research Assistant, IÉSEG School of Management, , France
Professional Experience :
  • 2012 - 2015, Project Manager, Save the Children, Cardiff, United Kingdom
  • 2007 - 2012, Marketing Officer, Cardiff Credit Union, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Scientific prizes and Awards
  • 2017 : Best Paper runner-up Award, ANZMAC 2017 Mid-Year Doctoral Colloquium, Griffith University
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
  • Cocco H., De-Juan Vigaray M., (2022). A Typology of Omnichannel Retailer Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 50 (8/9) 1062-1094.
  • Cocco H., Demoulin N., (2022). Designing a seamless shopping journey through omnichannel retailer integration, Journal of Business Research, 150 (November) 461-475.
  • Demoulin N., Cocco H., (2016). L'expérience client dans un contexte omni-canal, un concept multidimensionnelle , Survey Magazine, (T4) 58-59.
Research fields
  • Customer Experience
  • Omnichannel
  • Consumer behaviour
Grande Ecole (Bachelor cycle) :
  • Market research
  • Introduction to marketing
  • Bachelor business game
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
  • Marketing management
  • Master business game
MSc in Digital Marketing and CRM :
  • Omnichannel distribution
  • Crm and csr in b2b
Post graduate program :
  • Experiential marketing
  • Introduction to retail marketing
  • Retail marketing strategy
  • Omnichannel retailing and customer experience management