Maximiliano MARZETTI

Maximiliano MARZETTI
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. - Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Track Coordinator
Track: International Negotiation and Sales Management
LEM Member
  • 2021 : Trento Training School: "The rhetorical roots of argumentation. A legal experience.", University degli Studi of Trento, Italy
  • 2021 : Intellectual Property Summer Session: “Copyright, Licensing and Open Licensing”, American University Washington College of Law, USA
  • 2021 : Intellectual Property Summer Session: "Copyright, Licensing and Open Licensing.", American University Washington College of Law, USA
  • 2021 : Diplôme Universitaire Droit de l'Arbitrage (Bac+5), Faculty of Law - Montpellier, France
  • 2018 : Ph.D., Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • 2006 : Master in Law and Economics, University of Hamburg, Germany
  • 2005 : Master of Laws in Intellectual Property, Università degli studi di Torino, Italy
  • 2004 : Specialisation in Intellectual Property and Competition Law (Especialista en Patentes, Marcas, Derecho de Autor y Competencia), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • 2003 : Master in Corporate Legal Consultancy, Austral University, Argentina
  • 2003 : Graduate Degree in Teaching Legal Science (Profesor Superior Universitario en Ciencias Jurídicas), Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Argentina
  • 1999 : Bachelor of Laws, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Argentina
Professional Experiences
Professional Experience :
  • 2010 - 2016, Associate, Estudio Jurídico Ambrosini & Asoc., Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 2005 - 2005, Associate, Estudio Jurídico O'Farrell, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 2005 - 2005, IP Counsel, Legal Department, XX Winter Olympic Games Organising Committee, Turin, Italy
  • 1999 - 2003, Junior Lawyer, Estudio Jurídico, Rosario, Argentina
Scientific prizes and Awards
  • 2019 : Special Award for Distinction in Relationship Building with the other Team, 15th ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
  • 2009 : Best New Blawg of The Year (Blawggers International), Externado University
Published Papers in Refereed Journals
  • Marzetti M., Spruk R., (2022). Long-Term Economic Effects of Populist Legal Reforms: Evidence from Argentina, Comparative Economic Studies, 30 May 2022 (May 2022) N/A.
  • Marzetti M., (2022). La regulación de la inteligencia artificial en la Unión Europea ¿Un espejo para América Latina?", Anuario de Derecho Privado - Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), 2022 (4) 109-135.
  • Marzetti M., (2021). Victor Hugo Betrayed: The Domain Public Payant as Intended in the 19th Century and as Implemented Today, Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 18 (1) 56-80.
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  • Marzetti M., (2021). Copyright Protection for Interior Design Projects, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Internationaler Teil, 70 (2) 205-209.
  • Marzetti M., (2021). Société de Conseils de Recherches et d’Applications Scientifiques (SCRAS) v. Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial (INPI) Argentine Patent Act, Art. 5; Paris Convention, Art. 11. “SCRAS v. INPI”, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Internationaler Teil, 52 (2021) 1405–1408.
  • Marzetti M., (2019). Paying for works in the public domain? The “domaine public payant” in the 21st century, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Internationaler Teil, 2019 (4) 343 et seq..
  • Marzetti M., (2018). Comment on the Argentinian Federal Court of Appeals Decision “Havana Club”, IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 49 (4) 500-502.
  • Marzetti M., (2015). Denso Holding GmbH & Co v. Productos Denso Pla y Cía., SL Law 11/1986, Art. 55; Law 20/2003, Art. 51(2); Law 17/2001, Art. 34, IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 46 (5) 617-619.
  • Marzetti M., (2014). Case Note “P., L. et al.” (“Chinese Take-Away”) (copyright), International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, September 2014, Volume 45, Issue 6, pp 730-733, IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 45 (6) 730 et seq..
  • Ottolia A., Marzetti M., (2018) Derecho, big data e inteligencia artificial, Giappichelli, Turin.
  • Marzetti M., (2013) Proposals to increase access to public goods in Argentina – Establishing the necessary balance between intellectual property rights and the public domain (ISBN 978-987-1891-81-8), Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), Argentina, 2013, Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - Conselho Latino-americano de Ciências Sociais, Buenos Aires.
Book Chapters
  • Marzetti M., (2024), Intellectual Property in Argentina, in: Encyclopaedia of Intellectual Property Law.
  • Marzetti M., (2023), Decoding Proactive Law, in: Handbook of Law & Management,.
  • Marzetti M., (2023), Towards A More Inclusive Global Public Domain, in: Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Rights and Inclusivity.
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  • Marzetti M., (2023), River Plate Tango: Appropriation, Borrowing and Innovation, in: Music Borrowing and Copyright Law A Genre-by-Genre Analysis.
  • Marzetti M., (2023), Sociological and economic approaches to law and the economy. Friends or foes?, in: The Routledge International Handbook of Economic Sociology.
  • Marzetti M., (2022), Libraries and copyright law in the 21st century, in: The Subjects of Literary and Artistic Copyright.
  • Marzetti M., (2021), Marcas de forma, motivos absolutos de denegación e implicancias para las marcas de la moda en la Unión Europea, in: Imagen y derecho de la moda 2020-2021.
  • Marzetti M., Acciarri H., Azar-Baud M. J., (2021), Inteligencia artificial, compliance y derecho del consumo. Estructuras de gobernanza empresarial y estatal frente al empleo de algoritmos durante la pandemia y más allá, in: Il consumatore e la normativa emergenziale ai tempi del Covid-19.
  • Marzetti M., (2020), Algorithmic Regulation – A legal framework for Artificial Intelligence in Latin America, chapter in the upcoming book The politics of technology in Latin America Vol 1, Routledge Editorial Series “Emerging Technologies, Ethics and International Affairs”, edited by David Ramírez Plascencia, University of Guadalajara and Avery Plaw, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth., in: The Politics of Technology in Latin America (Volume 1) Data Protection, Homeland Security and the Labor Market.
  • Marzetti M., (2020), Algorithmic Law – A legal framework for Artificial Intelligence in Latin America, in: The Politics of Internet in Latin America, Volume 1.
  • Marzetti M., (2020), Trademark's absolute grounds for refusal - What are the implications for fashion brands?, in: TRADEMARKS AND FASHION A FIRST SURVEY IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD.
  • Marzetti M., (2017), La genialidad del derecho romano desde la óptica del diseño de mecanismos, in: Escritos de Derecho Privado Contemporáneo.
  • Marzetti M., (2016), Artificial Intelligence Will Make Smart Lawyers Smarter (and dumb ones redundant), in: The Big Analytics: Leaders Collaborative Book Project - For, Of, and By the Data Analytics Leaders and Influencers.
  • Marzetti M., (2013), Synergetic Interaction between Intellectual Property and Consumer Protection: A Pragmatic Law & Economics Proposal, in: Access to Information and Knowledge: 21st Century Challenges in Intellectual Property and Knowledge Economy.
  • Marzetti M., (2010), Why do we blawg? A brief economic analysis of legal blogs and the blogosphere in Legal Blogs and Web 2.0, in: Los blogs jurídicos y la web 2.0. para la difusión y la enseñanza del derecho.
Peer Review Proceedings
  • Marzetti M., (2023), Nuevas Tecnologías, enseñanza del Derecho Comparado y Foráneo: Virtual Exchange - Collaborative Online International Learning en las Facultades de Derecho Latinoamericanas, in: Actas de las Jornadas de Didáctica del Derecho, 21 y 22 de octubre 202, Facultad de Derecho y Humanidades Universidad de Chile, pp..
  • Marzetti M., (2021), A cost-effective and welfare-enhancing public policy: Incorporating AI-Enabling Exceptions and Limitations to Latin American Copyright Laws, in: XIV Congresso de Direito de Autor e Interesse Público (CODAIP), Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) Anais do XIV Congresso de Direito de Autor e Interesse Público, pp.17-38.
Research fields
  • Economic Analysis of Law
  • Comparative Labor Law
  • Dispute Resolution
  • IP Law
  • IP Strategy
Bachelor in International Business :
  • International business law
Grande Ecole (Master cycle) :
  • Advanced business law