3 semestres + prácticas profesionales
Master in Digital Marketing & Customer Experience Management Programa
El Master in Digital Marketing & Customer Experience Management describe los aspectos esenciales de la gestión y el marketing necesarios para convertirse en gestores de marketing eficientes.
El programa se ofrece a tiempo completo y consta de dos (fast track) o tres (regular track) semestres académicos seguidos de un semestre de prácticas o de tesis de máster. La segunda parte del tercer semestre se imparte en un modo asíncrono para que los estudiantes puedan comenzar su proyecto final a principios de septiembre del segundo año académico.
El plan de estudios se desarrolla en torno a cursos básicos y cursos especializados tanto en Marketing Digital como en CXM. A la luz de los cambios introducidos por Internet, el programa se centra en los fundamentos de hacer negocios en línea ayudando a los estudiantes a entender el comportamiento del consumidor en línea, cómo desarrollar sitios web eficaces, cómo optimizar la estrategia digital y la comunicación a través de diversos canales y cómo integrar la nueva innovación.
El programa ayuda a los estudiantes a utilizar los nuevos sistemas de información digital y a gestionar correctamente las bases de datos para mejorar la experiencia del cliente, lo que mejorará el proceso de toma de decisiones y beneficiará a la empresa.
Estructura del programa
El Master in Digital Marketing & Customer Experience Management de IÉSEG está diseñado para estudiantes deseosos de vivir una experiencia multicultural e internacional, y ofrece dos itinerarios diferentes en función de la formación académica de los participantes:
> Fast Track: Los participantes que cuenten con 4 años de estudios superiores ( 4 años de Bachelor, Master o «M1» convalidados por un título oficial equivalente a un mínimo de 240 créditos ECTS) podrán solicitar la exención del 3er semestre.
> Regular Track: para todos los participantes. Obligatorio para los participantes que tengan 3 años de educación superior (Bachelor en 3 años, Licence/«Bac+3») convalidados por un título oficial con el equivalente a 180 créditos ECTS.
> IÉSEG se reserva el derecho de admitir candidatos con un título de 4 años en la Regular Track en función de la calidad de su candidatura.
> Debido a un acuerdo bilateral entre India y Francia, los estudiantes indios están obligados a cursar la Regular Track, independientemente de la duración del Bachelor obtenido.

Contenido del programa
The objectives of this course are to help students understand the strategic dimensions of brand management in a cross-channel environment. At the end of the course, students should be able to manage a brand portfolio in coherence with the strategic objectives of the firm and its competitive position. Students should be able to understand:
Understand the importance of good marketing communications in branding;
Define and analyze both traditional and contemporary (i.e., modern) brand communication tools and strategies;
Apply the acquired insights to create appropriate and creative brand communication strategies in reaction to or in anticipation of internal or external factors that may influence the company;
To develop an integrated and creative marketing communication plan.
The objectives of the course are to help students understand the importance of design thinking and agile philosophy when managing project in a digital environment. At the end of the course students should be able to:
To understand and apply the key design thinking and agile methodology principles.
To define in a macro manner the key steps and organization to deliver a digital project following these methodologies
To describe the benefits and why using these methodologies for digital topics
To recognize which tools/methods should be used at which step of their project life cycle to ensure design thinking and agile approach.
Understand the global context of business, key issues for business activity, as well as business’ social and environmental impact;
Develop a strategic, proactive vision that reflects social and environmental concerns while emphasizing competitive advantage, corporate value creation, innovation, and leadership;
Apply theory to practice by emphasizing how global businesses can potentially contribute to the creation of positive social change and to the development of a sustainable future.
Understand the importance of ethics in marketing;
This course aims to highlight the most important emergent societal and technological trends and developments, and their potential applicability, usefulness or relevance. The objectives of the course are discussing the basics of technologies that support digital marketing, with a special focus on network architectures and their servers and clients, different kinds of connectivity, communication protocols and languages, and relevant developments in terms of hardware and software.
This course covers basic concepts and research results from marketing and the social sciences. They are examined with the goal of enabling marketers to better understand online customers and meet their needs. The class aims to answer the emerging questions such as: what are online shoppers external (demographic, social interaction etc.) and internal (personality, motivation, emotion etc.) influences? How do people make online purchasing decision? How do they appreciate their shopping experience? What are the various online spending trends in different retail sectors?
Understand the actual consumer expectations and how omni-channel can influence their purchasing.
Understand the importance of managing the different channels in synergy and in coherence with the overall retailer and brand strategy.
Set the good combination of channels and implement gateways to improve the customer journey.
Identify creatives solutions that focus on Customer Experience (rather than technology).
Website design & development theoretical concepts.
Create an E-commerce project with all the necessary steps (animated Mock-ups and specifications).
Understand all the E commerce standards and adapt them to their own E-commerce project.
Code pages with HTML and CSS.
Audit of the website ergonomics.
Identify the main functionalities of a web store
Understand the process of web store development
Justify the technological choices (security of payment)
Create an ecommerce website using the open source solution Prestashop.
Understand all the ecommerce standards and adapt them to their own website.
Fully customize a Prestashop website (homepage, product page, list page, checkout process) and be able to manage the orders.
This course provides an overview of the strategic particularities of digital marketing and helps to distinguish and understand the advantages of the various online communication channels. At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
Formulate and implement a successful digital marketing strategy.
Understand, analyze and select appropriate digital marketing tools for specific target segments.
Identify the challenging aspects of measuring the effectiveness of online marketing actions.
Recommend a basic SEO strategy.
Define, create, optimize and monitor a paid search strategy.
Understand the basics of attribution.
Understand the importance of search engine marketing (SEM) in the digital advertising activities.
Recommend a basic Search Engine Optimization Strategy (SEO).
Google certificates (Adwords Fundamentals, search advertising).
Understand the principles of direct marketing and new trends therein
Master the process of developing, following up and measuring a direct marketing campaign: copywriting, testing, measuring and optimizing
Master the complementarity of on-and offline channels for direct marketing
Understand the principles of targeting and segmentation and how both have been impacted by the Internet and the gathering of more customer information.
Develop a solid understanding of why Marketers need to embrace the Data & Programmatic Advertising revolution.
Be able to craft powerful digital marketing strategies relying on Data & Programmatic Advertising.
Understand the key levers of a powerful data strategy in digital marketing: measurement, activation, collection, privacy.
Master the key concepts of Programmatic Advertising and how it fits into the online display ecosystem and how this is reshaping digital advertising as a whole.
Understand the various forms of social media, online communities and viral marketing activations.
Master fundamentals and best practice of social media management and advertising with a POEM approach.
Integrate the transformational role of social media and influencers in marketing strategies and processes.
Define and manage social media campaigns, from the objectives’ definition to the KPIs measurement set-up to the end-to-end optimization changes.
Give an overview of the differences between ‘crowd-sourcing’, ‘co-creation’ and ‘collaboration with consumers’;
Understand the impact of ‘online’ and ‘social media’ on innovation management & consumer research;
Tell the story of the shift to emerging economies and show the impact on innovation and product management issues;
Be able to explain what ‘structural collaboration’ and ‘universal branding’ are about & how to use them in a day-to-day marketing management context;
To understand the significance to consumers of their mobile device
To understand the importance of digital mobile company presence
To understand the benefits of different kinds of mobile apps and games, and understand the circumstances under which each kind is useful
To be able to situate and integrate a mobile strategy in an overall (digital) marketing strategy.
Understand the concept of brand reputation and its impact on brand management and communication.
Understand challenges and opportunities of facilitated on-and offline WOM and its relation to brand image and brand reputation.
Understand the complexities related to managing the brand reputation across different channels.
Implement a process in order to successfully manage on-line reputation and to monitor it using software.
Understand the importance and the value added consequences of behaving ethically and understand the importance of managing a crisis properly to avoid impacting the brand reputation.
Understand the concepts, opportunities and limitations and added value of web analytics for companies with a form of online presence
Master the functionalities of Google Analytics
Demonstrate understanding of and practical skills in SAS Web Analytics
Apply data mining tools (SAS Enterprise Miner) for advanced clickstream and web log analysis
In order to evaluate in a concrete way their ability to evaluate the performance of online marketing campaign, students will use the simulation game SIMBOUND which allows students to evaluate the impact of actions after each decision-making round.
Master the key marketing metrics to evaluate marketing performance online and offline: select them, set objective, prioritize and differentiate short term/ long term measurements.
Understand what Affiliate Marketing is about and how to use this technique to secure and optimize the ROI of your acquisition strategy.
Understand how to create a periodic dash board (periodicity, source, measure unity, mailing list, etc.) to track performance versus objectives
Know how to analyze the Return On Investment of marketing budget and decide on corrective actions
Assess the legal implications of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for companies and marketers.
Understand the regulatory challenges that managers face on a daily basis and develop effective decision-making processes at individual and collective levels
Assess legal decisions and dilemmas in digital marketing and use relevant tools to address them, among them regulatory compliance programs
Understand how the legal system impacts digital marketing, in particular privacy and data protection laws
Be familiar with different proactive legal strategies to mitigate legal risks in the area of privacy and data protection laws.
Course objectives:
Master the key concepts of customer relationship management, and more precisely customer loyalty and customer success
Understand the added value of relationship marketing for the company
Understand how to measure and manage customer satisfaction loyalty and success
Understand the voice of the customer and be responsive to it
Know how to put in place a comprehensive customer loyalty program and measure its performance
Understand the basis of Customer Experience Management (CXM)
Optimizing the customer journey by means of customer journey maps
Design, collect, integrate, and present customer inputs to maximize business value
Implementing a more customer-centric business
This course will reflect the importance of CRM in marketing and business in general. The specific focus will be on the role of Internet technologies in supporting Customer engagement; . These Internet technologies are not all CRM software per se, but rather ad hoc tools that can be utilized together for powerful e-CRM.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
Master the key concepts of electronic/digital Customer engagement.
Experience the main tools used to develop an efficient electronic/digital relationship management strategy.
Use customer data and transform data into actionable results in order to improve the electronic/digital customer engagement.
Distinguish the various communication channels of Internet marketing and understand their advantages and disadvantages.
Understand the importance and the value-added consequences of behaving ethically.
Master the key concepts of Customer service and complaint management and set up an efficient customer service system.
Apply these concepts of managing complaints in professional dilemmas with difficult customer situations.
Guide and set up a social complaint management system which allows the company to follow up complaints in a sustainable way without infringing GDPR.
Work together in a team to define evaluate CSCM strategies and define new ones, with peer evaluation possibilities and an ex-post evaluation of the work.
Course objectives:
Exploring the pathway to sales results: how CRM and sales can collaborate effectively driving sales performance.
Learning how to devise realistic and measurable CRM sales goals: Client Retention, Cross-Selling, Referral Tracking, On-Boarding and Key Account Management.
Learning how to better plan and execute effective sales campaigns through integrated CRM systems.
Understand how to use a SAAS solution such as Salesforce to reinvent global customer experience end sales performance.
Better plan and execute effective sales campaigns through integrated CRM systems.
Nowadays, there is a tremendous increase in customer information which is available for the marketer. Indeed, companies are collecting different types of information from their customers like social media information, purchasing behavior, complaining behavior, socio-demographic information, etc. Consequently, knowing how to use this new information to improve customer relationships could be of high benefit for every marketer because better decisions could be based upon that. This course tries to fulfil the gap by reaching students new ways to interact with customers on a one-to-one basis. At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
Spot opportunities to transform customer data into actionable results.
Use customer data him- or herself to improve the customer relationships through predictive modeling.
(Course by Le Wagon)
This course will cover the basis of the Python programming language and will quickly dive into the daily tasks of a Data Analyst and give students the opportunity to learn from real-life datasets. At the end of the course students should be able to:
Write basic programs in python.
Conduct data exploration and visualization in python.
Scrape data using python.
Clean data using python.
Solve basic problems using machine learning techniques in python.
This course introduces students to the basic principles of descriptive analytics. This hands-on course introduces students how to describe, segment and visualize customer data in order to extract relevant business insights. At the end of the course, students should be able to:
Breakdown and propose innovative solutions for real-life business problems using descriptive analytical methods.
Run a basic descriptive analysis based on company’s transactional database while constructing expert knowledge.
Manage successfully customer relationships.
This course introduces students to the basic principles of predictive analytics. This hands-on course introduces students how to use past information to predict future customer information. A detailed overview of the course content is given below.
Understanding basic concepts and recognizing possible business applications
Explaining the predictive modeling approach: Sample, Explore, Modify, Model and Assess
Acknowledgment of the importance of data pre-processing
Introduction to the most popular predictive modeling applications
Understanding of the most popular evaluation metrics
At the end of the course, the student should be able to
spot opportunities to transform customer data into actionable predictive analysis.
use customer data him- or herself to improve the customer relationships through predictive modeling.
The course is designed to immerse students into the daily life of business consultants working for an ERP implementation company. Through interactive lectures, group assignments, and the intervention of four expert professionals, this course confronts students with the diverse expectations, tasks, and challenges functional consultants need to tackle. Combining theoretical concepts with hands-on exercises on a hypothetical business case, participants are expected to acquire knowledge on and experience with ERP deliverables and domains (i.e., Microsoft Dynamics 365), workflow design for top-level business processes (i.e.., Procure-to-Pay, Order-to-Cash), project management activities, and functional consulting analysis tools (e.g., XMind, Bizagi).
*(2 courses to be chosen among “Business Consultancy in a Digital Environment”, “Leading for Creativity and Design Thinking” or “Strategic People Management”)
Creativity is one of the critical components of an organization’s ability to survive and thrive in today’s competitive and dynamic markets. This course will provide participants with a rich understanding of how creativity can be facilitated and managed in a work setting. They will acquire knowledge regarding various theoretical conceptualizations (i.e., how do you define creativity), antecedents (i.e., what makes you and others more creative) and outcomes (i.e., what is the impact) of creativity as well as knowledge on design thinking techniques and tools to lead teams in the creative journey.
How do creative ideas happen? How can we foster our creativity and the creativity of those around us? What are the paths of creative development of individuals who are successful in their creative endeavours? What are the implications for fostering and managing creativity in the workplace? What are the obstacles to creativity? What is the nature of creativity in teams and organizations? These are some of the questions we will address. During the course, a variety of teaching and learning techniques will be used to enable participants to think critically and imaginatively about various perspectives of creativity. To realize the goal of a shared learning experience between participants and the instructor, the course is aimed at integrating real challenges and practical experiences of creativity, projects, presentations, experiential exercises, and critical reflection on the various course materials.
*(2 courses to be chosen among “Business Consultancy in a Digital Environment”, “Leading for Creativity and Design Thinking” or “Strategic People Management”)
Description to come.
*(2 courses to be chosen among “Business Consultancy in a Digital Environment”, “Leading for Creativity and Design Thinking” or “Strategic People Management”)
Our Career Program helps participants to establish their professional career plan by working on their skills, personal strengths, and using networking tools to be prepared to meet recruiters’ expectations internationally.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
Build a professional career plan;
Identify personal skills and accumulated experiences (e.g., Master experience);
Adapt professional tools (e.g., CV, LinkedIn) to the local market;
Develop an accurate representation of their professional profile;
Use personal networking to better identify professional opportunities;
Gain insight into techniques and tools to find a job or an internship in France or abroad;
Build self-awareness of personal vocations and interests.
This course provides participants with a profound understanding on entrepreneurship, new business development, and business plan writing. Through lectures, testimonials, field-work, and group assignments, participants are confronted with the how, where, when, whom, and why of starting and developing new business activities. As part of an international and multicultural team, participants are invited to work on an operational business plan aimed at either the creation of a new venture (NVC-track) or the acceleration of new business for an already established SME (NBD-track). This course’s ambitions thus go beyond providing theoretical insights. Hands-on experience is gained through out-of-class field work covering all steps of the entrepreneurial decision-making process (e.g., idea generation, feasibility analysis, industry study, market analysis, marketing plan, production plan, product development, and financial statements). In doing so, participants accumulate entrepreneurial knowledge and behaviors that support innovative solutions and new value development.
Los cursos de idiomas para todos los niveles están incluidos en el programa. El francés es la opción obligatoria para cualquier estudiante no francófono. Para los estudiantes francófonos nativos, se ofrecen otros idiomas (chino, español, alemán – lista sujeta a cambios).
Capstone Project: 4-to 6-month internship or work experience anywhere in the world. Alternatively, students can opt for a consulting project or a thesis.
Nota: La información sobre los cursos está sujeta a cambios.
Zoom sobre… certificación reconocida del sector
La clase Clickstream y Web Analytics brinda a los estudiantes la oportunidad de tomar la certificación Google Analytics, una certificación reconocida de la industria que ayudará a los estudiantes a aprovechar al máximo la analítica digital.
Además de obtener la certificación de Google Analytics, los participantes del programa trabajarán en cuentas Google Analytics de organizaciones internacionales sin fines de lucro para acumular experiencia en tiempo real mediante el análisis y la toma de decisión frente a los datos que estas compañías acumulan.
Además de la certificación de Google Analytics, los estudiantes obtendrán otros certificados como la certificación de Google Ads Search, la certificación de cumplimiento de GDPR, la certificación de HubSpot Inbound marketing & Content marketing, diferentes certificaciones de Salesforce, la certificación de marketing social de Hootsuite. Además, los estudiantes también se enfrentarán a tecnologías líderes en el panorama del marketing digital & CXM como Mention, Mailchimp, PrestaShop, Simbound, Python, IBM SPSS Statistics, Excel por nombrar algunas.
Talleres y Eventos Corporativos
Junto con las clases, el programa incluye talleres adicionales y eventos corporativos para desarrollar aún más las habilidades personales y profesionales de los participantes. Abarcan una serie de temas como la gestión de conflictos en entornos interculturales y la comunicación intercultural.
Nuestro “Career Program” ayuda a los participantes a establecer su plan de carrera profesional mediante un análisis de sus habilidades, fortalezas personales y el uso de herramientas de redes de networking para que estén preparados y cumplan con las expectativas de los reclutadores a nivel internacional.
Durante sus prácticas, los estudiantes pueden combinar teorías de gestión con experiencia práctica y aplicar las habilidades interculturales que han desarrollado en IÉSEG.
Big Data Engineer, Customer Data Analyst, Data Analyst, Data Architect, Data Quality Engineer, Data Science Researcher, Data Scientist, Online Marketing Analyst, Performance Analyst o Pricing Intelligence Analyst por ejemplo: las oportunidades de prácticas que ofrece el programa al finalizar el plan de estudios son múltiples.
Algunas empresas que contratan a nuestros becarios Trivago, Accenture, Teradata, Honda Europe, Bombardier, KBC, Materialise, Pipecandy, McAfee, CapGemini, Allianz, Sodexo, BNP Paribas, Bloomon, Auchan, AXA, etc.
Las prácticas pueden realizarse en Francia o en el extranjero. La mayoría de los estudiantes han realizado sus prácticas en Europa o en Asia, por ejemplo.
Implicación de las empresas en el programa
Las empresas forman parte integrante de la vida académica del Máster Especializado. A lo largo del programa, los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de reunirse y establecer contactos con empresas de todos los tamaños sobre temas relacionados con el máster, como conferencias, intervenciones en clase, retos o contratación a medida. Las asociaciones pueden variar de una a otra y pueden proponerse nuevas oportunidades en función de las necesidades y la disponibilidad.
Ejemplos de actos organizados anteriormente:
> Presentación de empresa: presentación del proyecto brandstorm 2023 – L’ORÉAL
> Conferencia “Brand responsibility: what impact for the marketing team?” – ORANGE – AB INBEV FRANCE
> Presentación de empresa y oportunidades de prácticas: “Conozca a una antigua alumna de IÉSEG, descubra su trayectoria profesional y las oportunidades de prácticas para el próximo semestre” – LVMH FRAGRANCE BRANDS