
IÉSEG Conference: A Strategic Marketing Perspective on Business Strategy

IÉSEG And Global Marketing Network
proudly invite you to the
Official Reception and Launch of our Global Partnership

Thursday, April 5, 2012, at 6:30 pm
IÉSEG Paris-La Défense Campus – Grande Arche of the base
1, square Defense 92044 Paris-La Défense (map)
Desired response before March 28, 2012 online:

IÉSEG and Global Marketing Network will be launching an exciting new portfolio
of professional postgraduate Marketing certification and executive education programmes

  • providing Marketing Professionals around the world with access to cutting-edge professional development, designed and delivered by IÉSEG and GMN Faculties – a powerhouse of some of today’s leading marketing and business experts
  • offering organisations and their Marketing Professionals for the first time a truly global continuing professional development framework, designed against globally established standards linked to GMN’s Global Marketing Accreditation System

The Launch features an Inaugural Address from world-leading Marketing authority,
Professor Greg Marshall
Charles Harwood Professor of Marketing and Strategy, Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, Florida (USA) and
Professor of Marketing and Strategy,
Aston Business School, Aston University (UK)

A Strategic Marketing Perspective on Business Strategy

Professor Marshall is the President of the Academy of Marketing Science. He is Editor of the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice and serves on the editorial review boards of several top marketing journals. He is co-author of a number of bestselling Marketing books including Marketing: Real People, Real Decisions, recognised as one of the five most widely-adopted Principles of Marketing texts amongst business schools, worldwide. Recognised as a leading authority on sales management, his textbook Sales Force Management, is the bestselling title globally and he was recently ranked as one of the top five most prolific contributors of all time to the Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management.

For more information on the Programme and the Inaugural Address
Click Here