Jeudi 5 mars 2015, 18h30 – 20h30 (suivi d’un cocktail)
Lieu : Campus IESEG – 1 Parvis de La Défense – 92044 Paris La Défense cedex
Entrée libre sur inscription
Présentée par Alain DULUC, Manager Cegos, Head of EMBA IESEG-CEGOS training methods, MA in Psychology
Animée par Judith BELL, Founder & President of Rewire Leadership (Institute® Coaching), M.S., Master LHEP™ (Licensed Human Element Practitioners)
Judith has coached and supported culture change for four decades for companies such as NASA, Total Oil, Restoration Hardware or San Antonio Water System.
« What does it mean to lead authentically? How can a leader be authentic and at the same time, fulfill the obligations of moving the team forward? If you don’t agree with your boss’ direction, how can you be authentic with your subordinates? What are the advantages of being authentic? What do you get? What does your team get? What does your organization get? How can you address your own fears about showing up authentically? »