2 septembre 2010

The IESEG Centre for Responsible Leadership (ICRL) has launched its cooperation with SHAWCO, a student-run NGO based at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa. Under the programme, a selected number of IÉSEG students will spend a minimum of six weeks in Cape Town, attending courses in social entrepreneurship and development economics at UCT, and working on SHAWCO- sponsored projects in the townships.

Beginning in the academic year 2010/11, this will be an integral part of a Certificate Programme in Sustainable Management, set up by IÉSEG for students at MSc level. During their two final years, the students chosen for this programme will do project work in the townships of Cape Town, attend lectures at UCT, take a series of core courses and electives in the field at IÉSEG and write their MSc thesis on the topic. They will need to pass with a minimum grade in the compulsory core courses in Business Ethics and Corporate Governance. The programme is open to students from all tracks within IÉSEG and will yield a Certificate in Sustainable Management issued by IÉSEG in conjunction with UCT.

The pioneer group of IÉSEG students (Solène DENIS DU PEAGE, Pauline GOSSE DE GORRE, Antoine IMBERTI and Maylis PORTMANN) arrived in Cape Town in early September.

Contact: Dr. Birgit KLEYMANN, ICRL coordinator (b.kleymann@ieseg.fr)