9 mars 2016

5 workgroups have been launched last September in order to implement IESEG Vision 2025 and to materialise our ambition. These workgroups are transversal and involve IESEG staff from every service and department as well as students. The objectives of these 5 workgroups is to think about possible ways to implement our Vision, to benchmark through learning experiences and to formulate recommendations to the Vision steering committee and the management board.

Each workgroup is sponsored by a member of IESEG management board who acts as a facilitator for the group. The workgroup is coordinated by one or more pilots who are in charge of making the link with Vision Steering committee and organising the work of the group.

You can find the group members’ photo in each coffee rooms on both campuses.


Workgroup 1. “Best place to work” (sponsor Philippe Bocquet)

The largest group with 53 members who reflect on our Lille and Paris current and future premises (design, organization, furniture, etc.). They also work on how to improve collective work at IESEG. So, the role of this group is to make recommendations so that IESEG becomes an even greater place to live, learn and work!

Workgroup 2. “Standards required from students” (sponsor Pascal Bied)

This group includes 28 members. Their role is to re-think and improve learning methods; find ways to increase students’ active participation in their learning experience, and develop a responsible learning culture.

Workgroup 3. “Engage Students in active learning” (sponsor Caroline Roussel)

A group of 25 members, who focus on students’ active engagement from students in their learning experience to increase their commitment to learning through new pedagogical approaches.

Workgroup 4. “Promoting CSR and diversity” (sponsor Guillaume de Rendinger and Caroline Roussel)

26 people are dedicated to developing Corporate Social Responsibility at all levels in the school as well as raising our awareness of diversity by identifying current actions and recommending best practices.

Workgroup 5. “Meaningful partnerships across all IESEG activities” (sponsor Sophie Guérin and Xavier Lecocq)

These group’s 22 members think about the main criteria to identify, choose and select a new partner for IESEG in all our activities (research, academic, corporate world, NGOs, …) by identifying current partners in each domain and making recommendations on the process.


Do not hesitate to contact the sponsor or the pilots of the groups for more information.

And YES, you can still join us!!! :)